
 We are a boutique dental office offering premium dentistry delivered with personalized care in Venice, FL.

Heather L. Hays Brand Star

What We Offer


Complete Care Dentistry

Every patient is unique and exceptional—the care we provide should reflect that. From your very first visit with Dr. Hays, you will experience what sets us apart. We take the time to listen to your concerns, address your wants and needs, and work with you to develop a plan of care that emphasizes whole health.

Tooth-Colored (Composite) Fillings

We offer our patients the very best materials and technology for treating tooth decay. Silver (amalgam) fillings can lead to tooth discoloration and fracture by expanding and weakening tooth structure. Composite fillings replace missing tooth structure more aesthetically while helping to maintain tooth integrity and strength.


We are proud to offer Invisalign to achieve healthy, beautiful smiles. Having straight teeth does not have to mean a mouthful of wires and metal. Teeth that are in an ideal position not only look good but contribute to healthier gums and jaw joints.


We work hard to prevent dental emergencies for our patients by diagnosing and addressing existing or developing conditions. However, should you experience an urgent dental need, we are here to help! Our goal is to get you comfortable and healthy asap.


Dental Cleanings

A smile is only as healthy as its foundation - the periodontium, aka the gums and jawbones. Accumulation of bacterial plaque and calculus (tartar) around the teeth and under the gums can result in bleeding gums, cavities, loose teeth, bad breath, and eventually loss of teeth. However, gum disease very rarely causes any pain until it is in very late stages. Maintenance is key to keeping your smile healthy for life.


If a tooth no longer has sufficient strength to withstand the extremely high forces of biting and chewing, a custom-designed restoration may be needed. We work with state-of-the-art laboratories to restore the health of your tooth with the most beautiful and long-lasting materials.

Additional Services

  • Cosmetic bonding

  • Dentures

  • Bite guards for treatment of clenching/grinding

  • Porcelain bridges to replace missing teeth

  • Implant crowns

  • Bleaching/Whitening

  • Computerized (”The Wand”) local anesthesia system

 Schedule a Call Today

We look forward to seeing your smile! Get in touch to schedule a consultation today.